Mothers Haven

Top 10 Early Home Pregnancy Tests

With the multitudes of early pregnancy test varieties on the market, it can be difficult for people to know which brand is right for them. They also may have limited financial means with which to buy a test, making it vital that they know which brand can provide them with the results they need without breaking their budget. Rather than take a gamble of a test that may or may not work for their particular need, people can benefit by knowing which tests rank as among the best.


In fact, First Response Early Result stands out as a favorite early pregnancy test among consumers. This brand can be used 10 days after ovulation and also provides easy-to-read results. Likewise, First Response Gold also ranks as one of customers’ favorites and actually shows a result of “yes” or “no” to help people know whether or not they are pregnant.


Along with this brand, Clearblue Advanced also has two varieties of early pregnancy test options that are consumer favorite. Clearblue Easy can be used up to four days before a woman misses her period. The tip of the test also turns pink to show that enough urine has been used for the test. Clearblue Easy 2-in-1 goes further by detecting how far along in her pregnancy a woman is. The test can predict the term of the pregnancy within a three week timeframe. Of course, store brands also can perform just as well as name brand varieties. Target’s store brand and the brand that belongs to Walmart, Equate, both provide a 99 percent accuracy for half the cost, if not more. CVS’ digital pregnancy test also has been recognized as a reliable store brand test that performs just as well as its name brand counterparts.


A brand that surprises many consumers with its affordability and accuracy, the Dollar Tree home pregnancy test can be purchased for a single dollar and provides an accurate result in 99 percent of cases. This test must be taken after a woman misses her period. However, many times it can provide an accurate reading just one day the missed period date. It also only takes a small amount of urine, 25 milliliters, for the test to detect whether or not the woman is pregnant.


However, some people distrust modern pregnancy tests and prefer instead to use do-it-yourself home tests using resources they already have on hand. One of the most common homemade pregnancy tests involves using a cup of bleach. If the bleach starts to foam and bubble after a few drops of a woman’s urine are put in the cup, the woman can presume that she may be expecting. Likewise, urine from a pregnant woman reportedly can change the color of dandelion leaves. Some women use this hypothesis to test at home for early pregnancy. Regardless of the test they use, women are also advised to seek medical care from an obstetrician if any of these testing methods give them positive results.


Top Times To Take A Pregnancy Test

Along with knowing what brand of early pregnancy test to take, women also may wonder when they should actually take a pregnancy test. In fact, a number of circumstances can call for women to take such a test. Knowing whether or not they are expecting can help them safeguard their health and potentially that of their unborn child. For example, anytime a woman is late on her period and has engaged in sexual activity in the weeks prior to her missed date, she should take a pregnancy test. The early pregnancy test can possibly be used as soon as the first day that she misses her period, if not before.


Likewise, if a woman experiences severe fatigue and weight gain and likewise has had sex within the last several months, she may do well to take a test. Fatigue, weight gain, and even bloating are all hallmark symptoms of early pregnancy. Tiredness can also be a symptom of pregnancy-related anemia, a condition that can be treated when the woman seeks medical care from her OB/GYN. Along wit bloating, fatigue, and weight gain, women who are in early pregnancy may also experience breast tenderness and frequent urination. If any of these symptoms appear and could be tied to their most recent sexual activity, women would be well advised to take an early pregnancy test.

However, some women may not have any of these symptoms, yet still be pregnant. In fact, before a woman begins any form of medical treatment that could put her potential unborn child’s life at risk, she should take a pregnancy test and find out for sure if she is expecting. Treatment that could put an unborn baby’s safety at risk include x-rays or MRI tests, as well as radiation treatment or any invasive procedure that could result in the loss of blood. Dentists also need to know if female patients could be pregnant because dental procedures such as root canals or even simple extractions could introduce bacteria and other toxins into a woman’s bloodstream. These toxins could cause premature labor or miscarriage. However, if a dentist knows that a woman is pregnant, this provider can adjust the treatment plan and even put off certain procedures until after the patient has delivered.


The same concern should be used before a woman begins taking any new medication. If there is any possibility that she could be pregnant, this woman’s doctor should know so that he or she can prescribe the best medicine without putting the unborn baby’s safety at risk. Many prescription drugs, as well as remedies that can be purchased over-the-counter, can pose particular harm to a developing fetus. As such, doctors must know if their female patients are expecting so that they can recommend treatments that are safe and help women maintain their pregnancies.


With that, women who believe that they could be pregnant have a variety of reasons for confirming their suspicions. This confirmation can keep them safe and also safeguard the health of their unborn children.