If there is one question women want to know the answer to when trying to become pregnant, it’s which pregnancy test is the best pregnancy test for early results. Early results are those that provide you with information regarding your current state of pregnancy before you miss your period. Typically, pregnancy tests are designed to help you determine pregnancy as early as the first day of your missed period. However, the best pregnancy tests for early results have the ability to provide you with the results of your body’s state of pregnancy earlier than the first day of your missed period.
There were two pregnancy tests that led the market in early results in 2019 and it looks that 2020 will be no different. The Clear Blue Advanced Digital Pregnancy Test and the First Response Gold Digital Pregnancy Test are the two top tests for the past year. Both have the highest ratings, best accuracy results, and the ability to detect exceptionally low levels of hCG in a woman’s urine.
The best pregnancy tests are those that have the highest accuracy ratings. However, this does not necessarily indicate that these tests are the best ones for detecting early pregnancy. Most pregnancy tests provide you with a 99 percent chance of an accurate reading as early as the first day of your missed period, but no test provides that kind of accuracy rating when used early than the first day of your missed period.
Additionally, no home pregnancy test is this accurate if it is not used correctly. For that reason, the way to determine the best pregnancy tests is to consider several factors; the percentage of accuracy when used early, the ease with which you understand usage instructions, and your own ability to read the test without question as to the results. Even the best pregnancy tests are useless if not used correctly. To ensure the test you choose is the best possible test, read the information provided on the box.
Typically, digital tests are better than tests that offer results with lines. They are easier to read, which makes them much better for most women. Furthermore, if you plan on testing early, you’ll want to read the information on the box to see which tests have the highest accuracy rating on days prior to your missed period. For example, the Clear Blue Easy test has a higher accuracy rating when used early than the Family Dollar Pregnancy Test. The EPT Pregnancy Test also has a high accuracy rating when used early, as does First Response’s digital pregnancy test.
If you plan on testing early and you want the best pregnancy test for early results, you’ll want to use the First Response Gold digital pregnancy test. This is the one test that is known to detect the lowest levels of hCG in your urine, which makes it possible for you to learn of your pregnancy much sooner.
Another reason this is the best pregnancy test for early results is the fact that it has results that are simple to read. Being a digital test makes it possible for you to see your results written out in front of your face without mistake. The results will read either, “Yes,” or “No.” Traditional tests that use lines to indicate pregnancy are commonly misread by women who simply don’t understand how to read these tests.
For example, a traditional test will have a second line appear if you are pregnant. However, that line could be so faint you don’t see it or so dark it’s obvious. Most women don’t realize that as long as a second line appears it does not matter how faint it is; they are pregnant. Other women know this and hope so much to be pregnant that they imagine a line on the test that tells them they’re pregnant. This leaves them unsure whether or not they really are, causing them to take yet another test or causing them to call the doctor for a blood test to be sure.
The best pregnancy test for early results is the one that hast the capability of reading the lowest possible hCG levels in your urine. The way in which hCG levels work during pregnancy is actually simple, even if most women think it’s not. When you conceive a child it happens because an egg becomes fertilized by a sperm. Once this occurs, however, you are still not technically pregnant as no one can determine pregnancy either in your urine or your blood. Your body has not yet begun to produce hCG hormones.
Your fertilized egg must make a journey that could take only a few days but often takes up to a week. This journey takes the fertilized egg through your fallopian tubes and into your uterus. Once it’s in your uterus its job is to implant itself into your uterine wall. Once implanted, your body begins to produce hCG. However, the levels produced at first are very low.
Pregnancy is not actually considered pregnancy until your hCG levels reach at least 5 mIU/ml, and even this is considered low. Most pregnancy tests that are designed for home use aren’t designed to detect hCG in your urine until the levels reach approximately 20 to 25 mIU/ml. And not all tests are sensitive enough to even detect levels this low, which is why so many women don’t see a positive result on a home pregnancy test until on or after the first day of their missed period.
The First Response Gold digital pregnancy test and the Clear Blue Advanced digital pregnancy test are the two best for early detection. They’ve been known to detect hCG levels even lower than 20 mIU/ml, which means some women are able to find out they’re pregnant as much as a week before they miss their period. It is, however, important that all women understand that the female body is different from woman to woman. While your best friend might be able to detect her pregnancy six days prior to missing her period every single time she becomes pregnant does not mean you will be able to do the same. Your hCG levels rise at their own rate, which is a rate that differs significantly from other women.
If you take a home pregnancy test early and the results are not what you were hoping for, don’t panic just yet. Sometimes it takes a little longer. For the best results, wait until the day you miss your period to test.