Mothers Haven

Quickvue Pregnancy Test

No one can tell you which home pregnancy test is the right one for you. Your own personal feelings, opinions, and thoughts are more important than those of someone else. While their recommendations can be helpful, knowing what each pregnancy test has to offer is what will help you make the decision which home pregnancy test to purchase. The Quickvue pregnancy test is one that is designed to tell you from the comfort of your own home whether or not you are pregnant.


Quickvue Pregnancy Test


The Quickvue test is a simple test. It is not designed to detect pregnancy earlier than the first day of your missed period. It is designed for the most accurate results when you test the day your period is due or anytime after that day. When used as directed in the instructions, this test is 99 percent accurate. This means that whatever result you see on the test when used correctly is 99 percent likely to be the actual result.


The Quickvue pregnancy test is designed to detect the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) when it reaches levels of 25 mIU/ml. Knowing how hCG appears in your urine is an important part of understanding precisely how the test works. Once your egg is fertilized by the sperm belonging to your partner, it will begin a journey into your uterus, where it will spend the next 40 weeks. Your fertilized egg will need to travel through your fallopian tubes before it enters your uterus. Once the fertilized egg enters the uterus, it then implants into the wall of your uterus. Once it implants, your body begins to emit hCG into your blood and urine.


This journey from fertilization to implantation can take several days to a week. For this reason, testing for pregnancy immediately after conception is pointless. Since your body does not produce hCG when it is not pregnant, it needs time to raise the levels before you can test for pregnancy. Your hCG levels rise by doubling every 48 to 72 hours. Every woman’s body is different, which is why some women receive a positive pregnancy test sooner than others. Since you probably don’t know who fast your hCG levels rise, you should wait until at least the first day of your expected period to test for pregnancy. It might take that long before you hCG levels are high enough to be detected by the Quickvue pregnancy test.


For example, if your hCG level starts at 1 mIU/ml, it could take anywhere from 10 to 15 days following the date of implantation before your home pregnancy test detects hCG in your urine.


How Do You Use The Quickvue Pregnancy Test?

Using this pregnancy test is fairly simple. In fact, it’s also a bit less messy than other pregnancy tests. This particular test comes with its own pipe that allows you to place your urine onto the test. You’ll need to first urinate in a cup. Then you will place the pipe in the urine and extract three drops. You will squeeze those drops onto the absorbent test strip of your pregnancy test. From there, you will wait three minutes to read the results of your home pregnancy test.


It is imperative you wait three minutes. Reading the results too soon might mean your test hasn’t had time to react to your hCG levels. Reading it too long after the results appeared could mean the test has changed. After the three minute mark, look at the test. You should see at least one blue line in the test window. This line means that the test is working correctly. If you do not see at least one blue line in the test window, this is a faulty test and you should discard it immediately and purchase a new test to use.

Using this pregnancy test is fairly simple. In fact, it’s also a bit less messy than other pregnancy tests. This particular test comes with its own pipe that allows you to place your urine onto the test. You’ll need to first urinate in a cup. Then you will place the pipe in the urine and extract three drops. You will squeeze those drops onto the absorbent test strip of your pregnancy test. From there, you will wait three minutes to read the results of your home pregnancy test.


It is imperative you wait three minutes. Reading the results too soon might mean your test hasn’t had time to react to your hCG levels. Reading it too long after the results appeared could mean the test has changed. After the three minute mark, look at the test. You should see at least one blue line in the test window. This line means that the test is working correctly. If you do not see at least one blue line in the test window, this is a faulty test and you should discard it immediately and purchase a new test to use.