When it comes to taking an at-home pregnancy test, you want to know which one is the most accurate, the most reliable, and which one will tell you that you are pregnant as soon as possible. Many tests claim that they can detect pregnancy days before your missed period, but only one test available to consumers can detect pregnancy as many as six days prior to your missed period. The First Response pregnancy test can detect levels of the pregnancy hormone up to six days prior to your missed period. This particular pregnancy test can detect hCG levels as low as 6.5 mIU/ml.
What makes this test so accurate is the fact that it is so sensitive. Most at-home pregnancy tests are designed to detect hCG levels around 20 to 25 mIU/ml. Any woman with an hCG level over 5 mIU/ml is considered pregnant. However, despite the fact that the First Response pregnancy test can detect a pregnancy almost a week early does not mean that it works for every woman who is pregnant. Not all women have enough hCG in their urine six days before their missed period. This means that the test will show a negative result, even if you are pregnant. The level of hCG in your urine varies based on the actual date you ovulated, how long it took your fertilized egg to reach your uterus, and how much of this hormone your body produces at a time. It’s different for all women.
The First Response early pregnancy test works much like any other at-home pregnancy test on the market. Before taking the test, carefully read the instructions included in the box. It is important that you understand exactly what to do, what time frames are suggested, and how to know if the test is working to receive an accurate result.
First, decide how you want to take the test before you remove the stick from its wrapper. You have two options for taking this pregnancy test. You can hold the tip of the test in a stream of urine for five seconds, or you can urinate in a cup and hold the tip of the test in the urine for five seconds. Do not remove the cover until you are prepared to take the test. When you are prepared, remove the cover and hold the tip of the pregnancy test down. Place it in your urine for five seconds. When your five seconds is up, continue holding the pregnancy test facing downward. Put the cap back on. Without turning the test upside down, lay it down so that you can read the results in three minutes.
Depending on whether or not you purchased the digital version of the test, a negative result will show up as either one line in one window and an empty second window or the words, “not pregnant” in the digital window. Positive results will show up as either one line in one window and one line in the second window or the word, “pregnant” in the digital window.
First Response tests are 99 percent accurate when used the day of your missed period. However, approximately 50 percent of pregnant women will see a positive result using the test six days before your missed period. That percentage increases a bit each day until you reach the day of your missed period.
The First Response test is the most sensitive of all the pregnancy tests. It is easy to use, and the instructions are easy to follow. While the results of the test depend entirely on when you ovulated and when your fertilized egg implants, this is the test that will provide you with the earliest most accurate result.