Most women don’t give the instructions to their home pregnancy test much thought. They are, after all, just a little piece of paper telling them what they pretty much already know how to do. However, the instructions are the most important part of any home pregnancy test. Without them you run the risk of not using the test correctly. When a pregnancy test is not used correctly it may not offer the correct results. To get the most accuracy out of any home pregnancy test, reviewing the instructions carefully is a must.
The deal is that all pregnancy tests are not created with the same set of instructions in mind. For example, you might purchase a digital pregnancy test and a regular pregnancy test of the same brand and assume they both have the same set of instructions. However, this simply isn’t the case. Every pregnancy test has a unique set of instructions that works only for that case. What differs varies greatly from test to test. For example, one test might instruct you hold the absorbent tip in your urine longer than others while at the same time not requiring you to wait as long to check your results as other tests on the market.
What makes test not provide accurate results is not reading the instructions carefully. If you leave the test too long and miss the time frame for reading the results, the test is not accurate. If you don’t hold the tip in your urine for the correct amount of time, the test might not be accurate. If you hold the test incorrectly, it might not be accurate. For these many reasons, it’s imperative you read the instructions on every pregnancy test you use prior to using it.
The EPT pregnancy test is similar to the First Response test. This one doesn’t offer results quite as early as the First Response test, but it will notify you as early as five days prior to missing your period whether or not you are pregnant. Like any other pregnancy test, you’ll want to read the instructions carefully prior to using it.
Do not open the test until you are ready to use it. This means that you cannot take the test out of the foil package in which it is located until you are ready. Always hold the absorbent tip facing down at all times. To test using your urine stream you need only to hold the tip in your stream of urine for five seconds, always facing down. If you collect a sample of your urine in a cup, you will need to hold the absorbent tip in the urine for 20 seconds. Now you will replace the cap and lie the test facing upward on the counter.
You will need to wait approximately two minutes for the most accurate results, but anything sitting longer than 10 minutes is considered inaccurate. If the test works accurately, you will see the test line appear immediately after your urine makes contact. If you are pregnant, you will see a plus sign appear in the first window. If you are not pregnant, you will see only a single line appear in the first window. If your test is negative this early one, you’ll probably want to test again. It is recommended that you wait 48 hours to do so as this allows your body time to double the amount of hCG in your urine.
The First Response pregnancy test has its own set of instructions. In fact, it is the test that promises to detect the lowest levels of hCG in your urine to inform you of your pregnancy as many as six days prior to your missed period. It is the only test on the market today that has the ability to detect pregnancy this early. This is not a digital test. It’s the kind of test your own mother used when she suspected she was pregnant with you, which means you’ll be on the lookout for lines to determine whether or not you’re pregnant.
The instructions are easy to follow. Start by reading them carefully to ensure you have all you need to take the test on hand. The best time to test for the most accurate results is first thing in the morning. The reason for this is that your first urine of the morning is less diluted than your later urine. You can either hold the absorbent tip in your stream of urine for approximately 20 seconds or you can fill a disposable cup with your urine and hold the absorbent tip in your urine for the same amount of time. It’s important to read in the instructions that you must hold the absorbent tip in the downward facing position at all times. Once you’ve finished saturating the absorbent tip you will place the cap back on and lay it flat on your countertop facing upward.
Now you will look to see that one line has already appeared. This is referred to as the test line. The test line means only that your test is working properly and your results will be as accurate as possible given the level of hCG currently in your urine. If you do not see the test line appear immediately, discard your test and purchase a new one. Now the hard part occurs. You’ll need to find something to do to occupy your mind for the next three minutes, but no longer than 10 minutes. Your results are not considered accurate until you’ve waited three minutes. However, they are considered inaccurate if you wait longer than 10 to read them.
If there is a second line next to the existing test line, you are pregnant. If there is not, you are not pregnant. It’s important to remember that the second line needn’t be a dark line. It can be very, very faint. In fact, in early results tests such as this one it’s often usual for the pregnancy line to appear almost imperceptible due to the low level of hCG in your urine. Any line, however, is indicative of pregnancy.